Mar 1, 2015

Just Call Me Dr. Love Cakes


Barry White's ghost gets jealous when we talk on the phone.

He says my voice is too low and sexy for him to listen for long without a cold shower. Maybe two.


Any time Dr. Love Song calls you must pick up the phone.

Ladies, you know who you are, no games now that school is in session.

Alright we have taken care of the two essential points to understand: first that I am too sexy so you can't have it, stop asking, and second that women everywhere have to stop everything they are doing and listen to me like the words are gospel.

On to the business of the day: Can it work for men and women to be just friends, and can a friendship survive an attempt at romance?

Oh Dr. Love Beats don't play around so listen up while I crank that dial.

First we got sexy friends and how they don't end up pants down with feet kicked up the second the doors closed behind them. It's all about just what this person is to you and how you act around each other. If you act like brother and sister, even if neither of you thinks of it like that, then no harm can come of it but keep in mind now that this means things like that person could come walking out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, their birthday suit and a single lifestyle for both of you but you still are not on the hubba-hubba-hubba train.

Never really know something like that until you test it and it's not recommended to test that one out wildly.

Good friends the answer is: yes. Just people you know barely well enough to call friends probably not, and if anyone is spending a lot of time away from their honey to be with someone they barely could call a "bestie" then it probably means they are in the process of checking out of the relationship but of course every situation has unique factors.


Then we have sexy, long-time friends trying to figure out if kicking the romance tree will drop poisonous snakes on our heads or maybe rain a bounty of delicious apples.

That is a very tricky one and where the romance is so easily sucked out of the room like a giant vacuum cleaner set to the no-sex-in-the-champagne-room setting just got turned on every time it comes up.

First you have to think yourself out and if the friendship gets permanently threatened in your head by something like cheating or dishonesty then this not a friend that is solid enough to consider this for.

Nobody said it was easy but adults actually manage to handle these big feelings in mature fashions, but that's where the romance dies and rots in the corner of the room.

You can't really take it forward with a friend without risking the friendship unless you can be sure they also share in a policy of time apart healing wounds, in so far as being civil with the next man or whatever the situation might be.

That means talking it out, which is great for couples to keep open lines of communications but is doing it ass backwards if you are trying to pitch some woo.

So the answers to today's life questions are: yes if you're good and close friends who know limits, and nobody ever won the love game without taking a gamble but at the same time dumb bets never break the bank.


Some parting words for the men of the audience before Dr. Love Cakes retires for the evening to my silk bedding and multiple wives.

Never met a woman yet that I had a worth talking about relationship with that didn't try and push me away in one form or another. But if you already got that figured think on this one: don't become that overly pushy guy or she's going to push you right out the door one day.

When they say "space" or "time" or just ignore your fucking txts / calls then stop fucking bugging them for awhile even if that girl has you so in a twist right now.

You can man it up for a few days, don't give me this shit about how you just had to do the million calls thing. If she wants it and you want it and she knows it, all the stuff is as set as it gets without you there to fuel that fire like we love to do.

So go do something else for awhile before you make that poor woman break her phone against the wall.

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